Moving Forward Together is a social initiative by various community groups committed to creating a better understanding amongst all sectors of the community for a vision of living in harmony. It is based on the philosophy of a decent society and caters to all people regardless of colour, origin, culture or religion.
We stand for a decent society, and invite other groups with similar concerns to work together with us. We want to do something about it.
Through a series of community wide programs and exposures we aim to establish a platform for communicating the positive benefits of harmony, humanity, unity and co-operation and minimizing parochialness and thereby creating a safer future for our society.
The vision is to work towards reaching most of the communities within Australia and to start addressing the major issues that impair harmony within 5 years.
The objective is to make the audience STOP, THINK & CONSIDER the issues and to thereby create a CARING & MOVING FORWARD TOGETHER society.
Establish a coordinating committee to be the driving force with sub-committees focused on Education, Dialogue, Public Relations, Publicity, Research and Event Management (Projects etc.)
The program will be focused on promoting the values of harmony, humanity, unity and co-operation to all the “moderates” in our society.
Initial emphasis will be focused on the young people (school and tertiary students) but the intention is that it will filter through to the parents and the wider community.
Consideration should be given to involving organizations such as Rotary, Lions, and “other” clubs. The emphasis should be on Inter Community relations and Interaction.
Patron: Her Excellency the NSW Governor
The overall responsibility for leading and directing the project would be vested in the MFT Board.
An Advisory Board, consisting of selected members of various community groups would be established to consider and advise on the various options available for the group.
Public Relations to liaise and connect to other communities, Government and other organisations and individuals.
Marketing / Publicity committee that would handle all the media communications and required outlets.
A series of independent Project Committees, each consisting of representatives from the various groups involved in the project.
A Finance Committee to manage the overall finances of the MFT initiative. Most projects would hopefully be self-financing by the participants in that project.
A Research Committee or analyst who would be responsible for undertaking the relevant research.
A decent society does not discriminate against particular groups on the basis of religion, gender, ethnic origin or age, and is dedicated to combating prejudice and discrimination.
A decent society opposes vilification, hate mongering and violence.
A decent society is one that encourages respect for difference, and avoids humiliating groups or individuals who are seen to be different.
A decent society promotes acceptance and understanding between different cultural and ethnic groups and respects the language, culture and religion of minority groups, including indigenous peoples.
A decent society accepts the need to promote access and equity for disadvantaged groups.
In a decent society, we oppose intolerance and recognise the talents and values of the different cultural ethnic groups among us.
A strong and viable society is considerate and has understanding and support for those less fortunate.
A decent society recognises the importance of communication between all groups and seeks practical support for all groups in the common language of the land of residence, yet showing respect and understanding for those who are not fluent in it.
We want to do all we can to ensure that Australia is, and remains, a decent society