Moving forward together

Bringing Australians Together – From diverse national, ethnic and religious backgrounds to help build an inclusive society, and to acknowledge and celebrate the enduring principles of fairness, harmony and respect


Moving Forward Together is a social initiative led by various community groups, committed to creating a better understanding amongst all sectors of the community, for a vision of living in harmony. It is based on the philosophy of a decent society and caters to all people regardless of colour, origin, culture or religion.

Harmony Day Competitions for Schools

2024 THEME: Harmony – what can we do?

Each year the Harmony Day Competition attracts thousands of entries and brings out the creativity and passion of school students motivated by a desire for a peaceful, harmonious and inclusive society.


Since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, reported racist incidents in Australia have spiked up to 60%.

By treating people with respect and looking beyond Colour, Race, Religion and Gender, we can all overcome prejudice and discrimination.

And help Stop Racism Now.

2021 Awards Ceremony

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